6:30 to 8 p.m. 4-week Advanced Expressive Writing Workshop Willoughby Wallace Memorial Library Stony Creek, CT Cost: $100 This workshop is for those who have taken at least one writing workshop with me and are looking to take their writing to the next level in a creative, supportive group setting. Please email me directly with questions and/or to register: amyjaybarry@gmail.com. Registration and payment due by Aug. 30, 2024. Empowered Aging- Thriving in your Third Act of Life 4-week workshop: Tuesday evenings, Sept, 17, 24, Oct. 1 & 8 6:30 to 8 p.m. Branford High School, Branford, CT Description and Registration online by Sept. 10 at Shoreline Adult Education (shorelineadulted.org), under Enrichment Classes, Health Wellness & Personal Improvement: https://catalog.shorelineadulted.org/CourseCatalog/ScheduleView.asp?ScheduleId=11956 |