Writing Services

Amy has more than 25 years experience as an award-winning features writer, food writer, columnist, theater critic, and art and book reviewer in publications including The Day (New London daily newspaper), Shore Publishing weekly newspapers, Seasons & New Haven magazines, Pathfinder: Guide for the Widow/ers Journey, Elan magazine, Grace magazine, and Connected magazine for alumni and friends of Central Connecticut State University.

Amy writes press releases, advertising copy, web copy, newsletters & written materials for businesses, non-profits, and artists.

Her wide scope of professional writing experience and skills can be of great benefit to your next project.
For rates and more information, please fill out the form on her contact page.

"Dare I say everyone benefits from another EYE on their writing? I know it takes courage to seek it!
Raise your hand if you want a strong, skilled, caring EYE to bring a fresh perspective and clarity to improve your work!

Raise your hand if you are open to constructive, honest, respectful, encouraging feedback.
I am! I wouldn’t be where I am today without it! And I am so grateful to Amy for she has been that kind of EYE for me for both my professional and personal writing!

-- Nancy Elizabeth Wallace, author and illustrator of 28 Children’s Picture Books