What are the expressive arts?

What are the expressive arts?
Mandala created by a student in Amy's
Expressive Art & Writing Workshop
A holistic therapeutic process in which creative exercises are used to express emotions and feelings through an inner dialogue of the heart (right side of brain) and mind (left side of brain). The process uses imagery, sound, movement, and writing to access and release emotions while guiding you toward a calmer, more peaceful and productive perspective. The expressive arts can help you find answers to personal questions, conflicts, and uncertainties by bypassing the cognitive mind’s critical judgment and focusing on what your inner essence is telling you. Expressing feelings and emotions through creative arts has been proven to boost the immune system by releasing blocked energy, and thus facilitate healing.

This gentle process can also unlock writer's and artist's block and boost your confidence in expressing yourself verbally and/or visually.

Amy offers ongoing expressive art and writing workshops. Please fill out contact info with questions, preferences for session dates and times, and if you'd like to be notified about new workshops.

"Picture peering through a peephole in a door that magnifies, but only lets you get a small glimpse of an object in a hallway...that's how I felt starting the workshop with Amy. You realize there is an entire building of creativity that is just beyond your reach until the door opens. Amy lifts her hand and unlocks the door slowly, unfolding personal expression you never imagined. She opens the door, pushing gently with her fingers as the class progresses. Little surprises using art and words, poetry and color, widen your eyes and the hallway starts to come into view.... BUT you are not even out the door yet—this is just the beginning. Ms. Barry has much more in her hand besides the key to the door."

-- Jennifer Walker